토탈 dac d1-direct DAC (베스트 )

상품 옵션
수량증가 수량감소

d1-direct DAC The d1-direct is the only one-box DAC in the Totaldac range which has direct outputs from the R2R ladders d1-드라이버 제품과 세트 구매 추천

d1-direct DAC or DAC/server Totaldac d1-single front

The d1-direct was made to be the far best sounding one-box DAC in the Totaldac range together with its brother the d1-seven.
The d1-direct is the only one-box DAC in the Totaldac range which has direct outputs from the R2R ladders.
Thanks to a new offset management and a special filtering technique it was at last possible to have a direct output like the d1-twelve.
This gives the highest transparency potential with a sound close to the sound of the d1-twelve but the 1.6V unbalanced output allows less versatility than the d1-seven.
You can contact Totaldac to see if you system should have enough gain for this 1.6V source.
This DAC can also integrate the internal server/streamer option for a network use.
And don't forget, your d1 as every d1 DACs can be upgraded to a d1-direct!

Totaldac d1-dual front

-192KHz asynchronous Xmos USB, optical, RCA and AES-EBU digital inputs, selected from a remote control.
-44.1KHz, 48KHz, 88.2KHz, 96KHz, 176.4KHz and 192KHz, 16 to 24 bit formats supported.
-as an option, DSD (DoP standard) supported on all inputs.
-embedded custom clock with anti-jitter FIFO memory.
-unbalanced 1.6Vrms RCA, the same unbalanced signal is also available on XLR connectors. No headphone output.
-volume control, adjusted by a remote control and an OLED display, works for all inputs, not only USB.
-phase polarity selected by remote control.
-non-oversampling DAC compensation filter activated or disactivated by remote control.
-display switched off by remote control or automatic.
-R2R DAC technology using 300 pieces of 0.01% VAR Bulk Metal� Foil resistors Vishay Foil Resistors.
-no active output stage, direct output from R2R ladders thank to new offset management and optimised filtering.
-external power supply to minimize the noise.
-aluminium and PMMA enclosure with massive pure copper antivibration plate.
-power consumption 14W (18W with the server option).
-DAC dimensions: height 110mm, width 360mm, depth 290mm.
-power supply dimensions: height 65mm, width 122mm, depth 180mm.
-weight: 7kg.

Available options:
-server/streamer option. The software is the same as the d1-server, RoonReady certified.
-DSD (DoP) option.
-silver massive aluminium front panel.
-115V power option.
-BNC coaxial digital input instead of RCA.
-2, 3, 4 way active crossover or more, by associating several DAC boxes.
-Bass boost.
-dedicated power supply for server board.




Silver option:

Totaldac d1-dual silver


The new remote control supplied with all d1-direct DACs:

Totaldac d1 remote control
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